Monday, April 13, 2009


  1. Rimmy... (you'll have to stick around for awhile to learn more about that)!
  2. I eat, sleep & drink FASHION. (You knew that one already)!
  3. I LOVE Haribo Raspberries candy!
  4. My absolute favorite fashion label of all time = MISSONI!
  5. The names are already selected for my future children :) .
  6. I live La Vida Pink. I love it SO much, that I have a pink Rolodex on my desk. Even my Blackberry has on a pink outfit!
  7. Style is a very important, very powerful part of my life and my opinions about what style is are VERY definitive. I do not believe it can be taught nor bought. You either HAVE IT, or you DON'T!
  8. (BONUS RANDOM THING) Godiva's White Chocolate Raspberry was my favorite ice cream EVER in the history of mankind, and they had the AUDACITY... the NERVE to discontinue it! Booooo!
  9. (BONUS RANDOM THING) Welcome to RONIWOOD! I was reading Jackie Collins novels when I was 12 & 13 years old, and have ALWAYS known I would land in Hollywood! Well, I'm here!

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