Monday, June 01, 2009


Most of us have heard that Air France Flight # 447 (Rio de Janeiro to Paris), left Rio on Sunday, and went missing somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean just 3 hours into the flight. 228 passengers were on board from the following countries (as released by Brazilian authorities):

2 American
1 Argentinian
1 Austrian
1 Belgian
58 Brazilian
5 British
1 Canadian
9 Chinese
1 Croatian
1 Danish
1 Dutch
1 Estonian
1 Filipino
61 French
1 Gambian
26 German
4 Hungarian
3 Irish
1 Icelandic
9 Italian
5 Lebanese
2 Moroccan
3 Norwegians
2 Polish
1 Romanian
1 Russian
3 Slovakian
1 South African
2 Spanish
1 Swedish
6 Swiss
1 Turkish

Our hearts, thoughts, prayers, tears, and support are with these individuals, their families and friends. The world community shares in the concern for their safety, as we are all so vulnerable to catastrophes that can occur with airline travel.

This number can be used to determine if a relative or friend was aboard the flight:
+ 33 1 57 02 10 55

These numbers are available as well:
0800 800 812 in France
0800 881 20 20 in Brazil
(you may need to dial +011 + country code prior to dialing these numbers).


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